Prime Re Solutions welcomes Dr. Olivier Steiger to its team!
Olivier Steiger holds a M.Sc. and a Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Zurich. He is a fully qualified member of the Swiss...
Prime Re Solutions welcomes Dr. Olivier Steiger to its team!
Actuary Rebeca Juárez: “Failures are just one way of knowing how not to do things.”
Borrego: "For me, learning lies in asking yourself why it went right or what happen when it didn't.”
PRS Actuary Bor Harej always enjoyed solving complex problems
Dalin Boriçi: "Research is a never ending journey."
Prof. Dr. Michel Dacorogna speaks at the Waterloo Conference on Risk Management and FinTech
I don't regret studying mathematics and becoming an actuary... but should I become a data scientist?