The next International Actuarial Association Colloquium will be held from April 2 until 5, 2019 in Cape Town, South Africa. Abstracts of proposed papers and presentations on the subject of “The Modern Actuary: Challenge, Influence, Lead” can be submitted until August 31, 2018 through this link.
Organized and hosted by the Actuarial Society of South Africa, the 2019 IAA Colloquium will be combined with the annual seminars of the relevant practice areas in South Africa and held at the Cape Town International Conference Centre in Cape Town. The theme of the colloquium is "The Modern Actuary: Challenge, Influence, Lead." The programme will include plenary sessions with formal addresses by invited keynote speakers, topical presentations by subject-matter experts, and parallel sessions at which submitted papers will be presented. Find out more about the 2019 IAA Colloquium in Cape Town, South Africa.
Frank Cuypers, Chairman of ASTIN, in brief

Frank Cuypers is the Chairman of ASTIN, the worldwide organization of actuaries dedicated to actuarial studies in non-life insurance, and he also presides the Committee for Continuing Professional Development of the Swiss actuaries.
He works for Prime Re Solutions as the Consulting Actuary and Shareholder of the company.
Read more about Frank Cuypers.