Simone Dalessi reflects about his choice of study

Simone Dalessi was interested in becoming a geologist at first but opted for mathematics in the end. Very much to the delight of his employer Prime Re Solutions. At a very young age, Simone has already come a long way: right after his studies he was employed as an actuary by PRS in 2012. After 5 years in the company he was appointed CEO of Prime Re Solutions in 2017. In this interview he provides insights into his choice of profession as well as into his private life.
Please describe your job and role within PRS.
I am the CEO of Prime Re Solutions, the actuarial department of PRS, since 2017. But first of all, I am one of five actuaries! Together with my very experienced colleagues I am in charge of helping clients in their pricing, reserving, solvency and regulatory issues. I also assume comprehensive projects and recurring tasks within the PRS group.
What makes PRS a successful organization, in your view?
Being owners of our company, the flat hierarchy, the expertise and versatility of each employee and the ability to offer practical solutions within a wide range of services define our success.
What do you appreciate most about having direct client contact?
During a personal discussion, I can understand the client’s problems and requirements clearer enabling me to come up much quicker with appropriate solutions and offering a suitable product. A direct exchange of ideas with clients is important...our clients know that we are always at their disposal.
In what field have you recently furthered your knowledge or added to your skills?
Some years ago I had the change to discover the world of cryptology…in the army! In 2015 I have successfully completed the continuing education as actuary SAA. In my free time I try to study on my own and get clever in the field of data science.
Is there a career you dreamed of in your childhood?
Yes, when I was very young I wanted to be a comic-illustrator, then I took interest in geology. Eventually, I decided to study something that I had always liked, mathematics, which I don’t regret, because it’s an excellent basis that helps me to understand better and faster many problems at work but also in the non-working life.
What would you do differently if given the chance to start over?
Probably nothing else because I always take my time before making a decision. Yet I could imagine a longer language stay somewhere outside of Europe.
What are your pet peeves?
Arrogance, rudeness and injustice. Sometimes I get annoyed when people are inconsistent or when they react over-sensitive.
What do you like doing most in your leisure time?
I enjoy spending time with my family and with my friends. I read a lot or I do various sports, like jogging or mountain biking. But I can just as well enjoy watching sport on the TV!
Simone Dalessi in brief
Simone Dalessi
Year of birth:
Marital status and family:
Married, one young son
Trained profession:
Mathematician/statistician and then actuary
With PRS since:
January 2012
Previous stops on the career path:
Six years actuary and consultant in the (re)insurance industry, CEO of PRS since July 2017
Simone Dalessi graduated with a MSc in mathematics from the University of Zurich and comes with significant expertise in statistics. In his actuarial role with PRS he helps clients in their reserving, pricing, solvency and regulatory issues. He is a fully qualified member of the Swiss Actuarial Association (SAV) and member of ASTIN.