On April 7 the shareholders of Prime Re Solutions elected John Epstein and Paolo Varisco as new members of its Board of Directors. We are happy to welcome these two proven insurance experts into our team.

John Epstein
John Epstein worked at Swiss Re for almost 30 years, mainly in the area of Technical Accounting, Operations and Claims, leading various teams and projects. Since his retirement in 2010 he has joined PRS Prime Re Services as Head of Technical Accounting and as consultant for various insurance and reinsurance companies. The 66-year-old accountant is married and father of three children.
Paolo Varisco
Paolo Varisco served twice in a CEO position (SCOR Services AG and Medicall AG) and twice in a Global Head position, as the Head of Group HR of SCOR SE and as the Head Group Audit of Converium. He has more than 25 years of experience in the insurance and reinsurance industry. After losing his eyesight in an accident in 2014 he has been serving as a Board Member in various companies and as an entrepreneur in two startup companies. The 55-year-old is married and father of two adult children.
Prime Re Solutions would also like to take this opportunity to thank the farewell members of the Board of Directors Prof. Dr. Michael Köhler and Berndt Räder for their commitment in the past few years.