On this year's company excursion, half the PRS staff hiked from Schwarzenberg in Lucerne (831 m above sea level) via Stäfeli in Lucerne (1,393 m above sea level) to the Unterlauelen alp in the canton of Nidwalden, Switzerland (1,063 m above sea level). The PRS colleagues started at 9.30 am on the Schwarzenberg, which at that time was still completely covered in fog. After a two hours hike they continued over the Stäfeli towards Unterlauelen alp. On the Trochenmatt, a little below the Trochenmattsattel with a view of the Mittaggüpfi and the Pilatus chain, the group finally left the fog behind. At about 3.30 p.m. the group of 18 people gathered in the restaurant at Unterlauelen alp, where the typical Nidwaldnian dish "Nidwaldner Stunggis", was served. After the sumptuous dinner they walked for half an hour back to the Eigenthal valley. The "office" did not stand still during the company excursion: Solutions CEO Simone Dalessi and Frank Cuypers had a video conference with a client during the hike – thank you beloved smartphone.