Peak Re AG CEO Jacques Burri about the in-house workshop from Prime Re Academy on the Swiss Solvency Test and Solvency II.

In addition to several annual training courses on diverse insurance topics, the Prime Re Academy also conducts in-house workshops for insurers and reinsurers. This was also the case at Peak Re AG in Zurich. Subject of the selected in-house workshop: The Swiss Solvency Test and Solvency II. In this interview, Peak Re AG CEO Jacques Burri explains why he opted for an in-house workshop from Prime Re Academy and what the many advantages of such an in-house workshop are.
What prompted you to commission Prime Re Academy with an in-house workshop?
I have known Prime Re and its employees for at least 15 years. Their actuaries are very familiar with the Swiss Solvency Test and Solvency II - and not just from a theoretical point of view. This is important for us!
How did the course take place?
PRS’ workshop leader Frank Cuypers had prepared a bespoke deck of slides and he had a clear agenda, but in the end, much more than a formal presentation, it was a lively discussion about the Swiss Solvency Test, its differences with Solvency II, its strength and pitfalls, its calculations and its implementation – much to our advantage.
How was the feedback from your employees on the course?
Our employees greatly appreciated the workshop, especially the fact that the discussion on the Swiss Solvency Test and Solvency II was always linked to our own situation.
What are the advantages of conducting a course in-house?
Since the course took place in-house, all our stakeholders were able to participate. There was no loss of time due to transport and also a lot of flexibility time wise. Moreover, the workshop focused precisely on those issues, which are relevant to our business.
What did you particularly like about the lecturer Frank Cuypers?
His cheerful nature and the ability to bring a dry topic to life.
Your conclusion of the Prime Re Academy's in-house workshop on the Swiss Solvency Test and Solvency II?
We will certainly engage Prime Re Academy again for further trainings in the future.
Find out more about our in-house workshops.
About Jacques Burri

First name/surname:
Jacques Burri
Current position:
CEO of Peak Re AG, Zurich
Previous career cornerstones:
Zurich Insurance, Reinsurance Manager Europe
Swiss Re, various client facing roles in Switzerland and abroad
Jacques Burri is an industry veteran with more than 30 year of experience. Prior to joining Peak Re, he was the Reinsurance Manager Europe at Zurich Insurance Group in charge of the group’s European as well as specialty reinsurance placements. Before that, Mr. Burri served at Swiss Re for almost 25 years in various roles, including developing and leading the French market. Today, he heads the Zurich subsidiary of the Asian reinsurer Peak Re.
Find out more about our in-house workshops.