Mid-october, Frank Cuypers travelled to Mexico to meet our Prime Re Solutions Mexico team. On this occasion he gave two presentations at the annual meeting of the mexican actuaries CASA CONAC, and conduced together with our colleagues Rebeca and José two interviews with mexican authorities. However, he did not miss the opportunity to enjoy some exciting tourist adventures.

Frank, José and Rebeca visited the magical town of Taxco, which is located in the state of Guerrero, southwest of Mexico City, famed for its silver jewelry production and Spanish colonial architecture. Plaza Borda, the main square, is home to the landmark 18th-century Santa Prisca church, with stone towers and a rose-colored facade in elaborate churrigueresque style. Nearby, the Casa Borda cultural center displays works by local artists, and hosts music and theater events.
Nevado de Toluca
The next stop was the Nevado de Toluca, which is a stratovolcano in central Mexico, located about 80 kilometres west of Mexico City near the city of Toluca. It is the fourth highest of Mexico's peaks, after Pico de Orizaba, Popocatépetl and Iztaccíhuatl. The volcano and the area around it is now a national park. On this ocassion our dear team member José was the leading pathfinder. Fortunately, the high trail could not beat us.
And the last stop of this challenging trekking adventure was Iztaccíhuatl, which is a 5,230 m dormant volcanic mountain in Mexico located on the border between the State of Mexico and Puebla within Izta-Popo Zoquiapan National Park. It is the nation's third highest, after Pico de Orizaba at 5,636 m, and Popocatépetl at 5,426 m. On their way up Frank and José bivouacked in a "cozy" shelter at 4,700 m, that unfortunately was neither very warm nor dry. Nevertheless they had some warm company, as you can appreciate from the picture below with José's boots 😊
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